4 Mart 2022 Cuma


The point in a successful teamwork is gathering together people with the same level of motivation and desire to do that specific task. If you team up those who are self motivated and eager to produce a comprehensive output with those who are doing that task just because they were told so by their supervisors and who are not interested in the output personally, then you would probably end up with something that is not a “team” output. 

There are a number of consequences in those cases, none of which is preferable. In one of such consequences, the people who are motivated personally would wait for the others to finish their part but since the others are not motivated enough, this task would always fall behind other items, even items like "clean your desk" on their agenda and most probably no or very little input would be given by them. Then the motivated guys would do the parts of the others and eventually the output would be the product of the motivated ones, not teamwork.

Alternatively, the motivated people would try to make the others do their part, by pushing them or maybe complaining about them to their supervisor, in either case there would be a conflict within the team. And this kind of a conflict would definitely affect the quality of the output, even the relationships of the team members.

Lastly, for me the worst case scenario would be that the motivated guys would lose their motivation and lower their productivity and efforts to do their best since their expectations about the output would just diminish. Especially when the motivated ones’ efforts and inputs are not observed and acknowledged by the supervisors and consumers of the output, then there would literally be no reason to put extra effort into that work. And so, in this case, you would end up with a team of hopeless and unmotivated people, whose output would no doubt be of low quality.

For these reasons, I believe that the first challenge of a supervisor when forming a team is to find and bring together people with similar levels of motivation and enthusiasm about the task while considering their respective qualities and potential values to the output.


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