19 Nisan 2018 Perşembe

Brand New Problems

You know what, this is first time in my life that I am the mother of a 28-month-old kid. Yes, I have been the mother of a newborn, a one-year-old, a two-year-old previously at different times. But not 28-month-old so far! Everything I experience every moment, do, cannot do, do not do is brand new to me! Every new day is a brand new day with my kid that I have not experienced yet. Every success is new, every failure is new. And so, I oppose your suggestion that I always have the same problems! Everyday I have a new problem!

15 Nisan 2018 Pazar

All over the same problem

Yes I felt inadequate in my motherhood previously, which has a lot to do with you by the way. I still feel inadequate and rarely dare to express it. But you say "pofff, all over the same problem again!" I am sorry to bother you with my problems! I am such a boring inadequate person that I even can't come up with new interesting problems to tell you not to be heard...
